Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1881...An Unusual Marriage

McDonald's and Weight Watchers.

Lucy Jones of the Telegraph, a United Kingdom broadsheet, tells that "McDonald’s has fluttered its golden arches and seduced a highly unlikely partner: Weight Watchers. Yes, that’s right – the nutrition plan for people who simply can’t drop the pounds on their own. Customers in New Zealand will see the Weight Watchers stamp of approval on some fast-food meals and, in return, Weight Watchers will promote them to its users. Cute deal, right?"

Well, as Miss Jones writes, "It’s hard to be anything but cynical about why this has happened: McDonald’s food is addictive and – unless eaten as part of a balanced diet – famously unhealthy. The sugar, salt and fat content in a McDonald’s meal is a delirious combination which has led some scientists to believe that fast food could be “as addictive as heroin”."

And McDicks does lead to more McDicks.

"In short, this is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Weight Watchers is silly to think fatties will be able to resist a McFlurry or eight."


1 comment:

  1. chiropractic marketing To be healthy and happy we must eat a balanced diet. By eating as much of each kind of food as the body needs we can get this balanced diet.
