Tuesday, March 9, 2010

1877...Why Don't The Cons Just Answer The Q?

Is you is or is you not?

Ujjal Dosanj, Liberal Member and Paul Dewar, from the NDP both ask whether the Canadian government, that is you Stephen Harper, are turning over prisoners to suffer rendition, which, btw, is a nice way of saying torture which, in and of itself is a nice way of saying they be getting hurt. Bad.

The question, Conservative guv, is simple.

Is you is or is you not?



  1. WFDS

    When is your Pathetic corrupt Liberal party going to stop smearing brave Canadian soldiers as war criminals in order to take cheap politcal shots at the conservatives?

    Is you is Canadian troop haters or is you Canadain troop haters?

  2. While I am not a Conservative I might suggest an answer and a rebuttal.

    First off if they believe it was torture they should say so.

    Second, it is political naivety to simply expect the gov't ,any gov't, to answer such questions.

    Bottom line.I get it.The Libs sense a game changer if the Cons. can be made to wear this.The hard part is to find a way to distance themselves from Iggy's idiotic musings about torture and to ignore the previous gov'ts handling of the detainee issue.

    If history repeats itself then the issue might die.It might die in the similar manner the Somalia inquiry.That was to simply pull the plug on the procedings.

    All the howls of protest were not heard because no one cared. The bulk of the silence came from Liberals since they had a majority.It was not a proud moment for that gov't and you cannot expect a higher standard from your opponents.

  3. If Harper answers it, will you Liberals answer the same question for when you were in power?
