Thursday, March 4, 2010

1843...I Hate It When I Do That...

That is the headline on the left side of front page of the February 5th edition of the West Quebec Post.

Here is what happened: the cops in the burg of Quyon, which is about 50 klicks or so from the Hill in the Pontiac region of La Belle, pulled over a 31 year old man in mid January and when they ran his name they were compelled to arrest him and impound his car.

The lad "...asked us to bring the car keys to his girlfriend..." Officer Martin Fournel told the paper. "When the police entered the residence they smelled the cannabis. It was strong enough that it didn't smell like someone had just smoked a joint."

You know the denouement; the 31 year old has been charged with running a grow op with 25 plants and a quantity of bulk marijuana.


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