Monday, February 8, 2010

1702...School Is Tough

He supported a loser but he does have chutzpah.

He is Brandon Frost, a 17 year old Maurepas High School, located in idyllic Maurepas, Louisiana, student who last Thursday wore an Indianapolis Colts jersey to school on Black and Gold day. Black and Gold, btw, are the colours of the Nawlins Saints who were playing the Colts in the Superbowl a couple of days later.

The Associated Press reports that Mr. Frost was called to the office by principal Steven Vampran. Mr. Vampran wanted Mr. Frost to go how but Mr. Frost's pater was going to lawyer up his son so a compromise was reached: the kid would take off the Blue and White jersey on Black and Gold day.

By the way, Louisiana has one of the worst public education systems in America; perhaps Mr. Vampran should concentrate less on Black and Gold days and more on edumacting the folks at MHS.



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