Friday, February 5, 2010

1688...Willie Wooden Shoes Is Back

Former British Columbia Premier Bill Vander Zalm is back and he is on a mission. His mission is to bring down the dreaded HST, the Harmonized Sales Tax that Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces have and both Bee Cee and Ontario are bringing in later this year.

He has received approval to start an official petition, starting April 6, that, if it meets certain requirements, could result in the repeal of the HST in what is called an Initiative Election. That election will be held late next year.

The Victoria Times-Colonist explains that for an initiative to be successful the majority of the voters in the province must approve of it and more than fifty per cent of the voters in two thirds of the ridings in the province must vote for it too.

It is all a bit complicated and loopy and has failed to pass every time out but it also very democratic and very British Columbian and gives the 7o something former Premier something to keep him busy.


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