Monday, January 31, 2011

3349...BYU, Mountains And Guns

That is Utah.

The Christian Science Monitor reports that "The Utah House pass a measure to make the Browning M1911 seimautomatic the state gun..."

America, what a country.


3348...Old Nazi Stops Answering Fan Mail

Reuters reports that Adolph Hitler's last bodyguard, who is now 93, has given up on answering the raft of fan mail he recieves.

Apparently preparing for an afterlife with his boss takes up most of his time.

Rochus Milch used to send fans autographed copies of wartime photos of himself in his SS uniform. Suitable for framing the pics made great birthday, bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah gifts.


3347...Americans Be Daft

Don't get me wrong, I am not your typical Canuck who hates on the Yanks. College basketball is my passion and the NFL and college footie are a quick two an three. I sincerely believe that cable should be enshrined in the constitution and have been to Mississippi.

But this health care bullsh*t is just that. Bullsh*t.

Just in from 77 WABC is this:

A federal judge in Florida says the Obama administration's health overhaul is unconstitutional, siding with 26 states that had sued to block it.

U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson on Monday accepted without trial the states' argument that the new law violates people's rights by forcing them to buy health insurance by 2014 or face penalties.

Attorneys for the administration had argued that the states did not have standing to challenge the law and that the case should be dismissed.

The case is likely to go to the U.S. Supreme Court. Two other federal judges have upheld the insurance requirement, but a federal judge in Virginia also ruled the insurance requirement unconstitutional.

I like positive thinking but America and Americans you are all going to get sick and die. All of you. Health care is a no brainer.


3346...Baby Doc Duvalier Is A Rock Star

Sorry, I meant he is like a rock star.

According to a story I read in this morning's Ottawa Citizen the former dictator of Haiti pissed and ate his way through the gazillions he thiefed while fleeing his homeland for France.

This explains why he came back home to Haiti. I presume he was wishful that he would be the prodigal son, would reclaim his power, or a portion thereof and the money that comes with it.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

3344...Seniors In The Work Force

From the LA Times:

The Geezer Bandit has apparently struck again, this time in Santa Barbara County, for his 13th bank robbery in California, the FBI announced Saturday.

Given his nickname due to his apparently advanced age, the robber hit a Bank of America branch in Goleta in Santa Barbara County on Friday afternoon, threatening tellers with a revolver.

His appearance -- 60 to 70 years old, about 6 feet tall, dressed in a blazer, dark pants and a baseball cap -- and demeanor matched the other robberies.

The same person is suspected of 10 bank robberies in San Diego County, one in Kern County and one in Riverside County, starting in August 2009.

In recent robberies, authorities have suggested that the robber may be wearing an "old-man" theatrical mask.

The FBI and several banks are offering a reward of $20,000 for information leading to an arrest and conviction.

Ya gotta do what ya gotta do, eh?


3343...We Know The Fords Party

But whatever has got into Doug Ford's drink these days? The brother of the porcine mayor of Canada's Cincinnati, Rob Ford, was all over Mark Sutcliffe's column in the Ottawa Citizen today explaining how the NFL has to give Toronto an team and then "The NFL has to, it's not even an option -- they would have to give us the Super Bowl within the first four years."


No. No.


Mr. Sutcliffe goes on to write that "Rob Ford seems convinced that Toronto will soon land not only a team, but a huge new stadium and finally the big game itself. All of this, of course, will be accomplished without any investment from Toronto taxpayers."

Rob Ford be high. Very high.


3342...Berlusconi Update From Craig Ferguson

"Not such a great day for Italy, MTV has announced the next season of Jersey shore will take place in Italy...Good for the cast, though. With all of their uncontrolled sex and parties, one of them could wind up being the next prime minister."


3341...Please Explain Curling To Me

I get the rules, no worries there, what I don't understand is why the women rinks are full of hotties and the men rinks are full of notties.

Y'd think there would be balance.

Y'd think.


3340...Cancer Kills One Of The Best

Audrey Best that is. She was the estranged wife of Quebec's former premier Lucien Bouchard.

Only 50 she passed on Tuesday and was buried yesterday in Outremont.



Saturday, January 29, 2011

3339...Eugene Lang Smart/Eugene Lang Dumb

Smart Eugene Lang writes in today's Ottawa Citizen that "After five years in government, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has no legacy, no signature legislation or polices...he has had no meaningful effect on the country...he will be an historical footnote, an ephermeral and transitory figure, an irrelevant prime minister."

Then Dumb Eugene Lang goes on to contradict himself for hundreds of words talking about how wunnerful our beloved PM is.

Yeah, surrrrrrrrrrre.


3338...Eygpt In Flames

I am not an expert on anything and I surely am not an expert on Middle Eastern and Eygptian politics.

That said I have one thought about the story, the civil uprisings in Eygpt, that is dominating the news on this day.

My thought is, unlike other revolutions, this one doesn't seem to have a leader [leaders] or a focus. I may be incorrect but I think of this revolution as being similar to a pot of water boiling over on the stove. Turn down the heat and the pot stops boiling.


3337...The Most Famous Canadian In The World

The biggest thing to come out of Canada since The Wu Tang Clan according to Jay Mohr.

He, of course, is Justin Bieber and he was on Jay Leno last night. He is great, Mr. Bieber that is. And Jay Mohr is married to Nikki Cox so two-fer-two.

If only our political leaders could generate the excitement that Stratford, Ontario's very own does.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

3336...Rush Limbaugh Says

Today, on 77WABC New York, that if Obama Care comes in we, and by we he means they, will be paying four dollars for a gallon of gas.


Ha, ha.

I tell you my Oxycontin pill popping friend the days of four dollar a gallon gazolina in Soviet Canuckistan are well behind us.



Wednesday, January 26, 2011

3335...What Is The Difference Between A Man...

...and a pig?

A man will stay up all night to f*ck a pig but a pig won't stay up all night to f*ck a man.

Case in point comes from the pages of The Mississippi Link where Monica Land writes that "Authorities said a man who was caught having sex with show hogs will have his case presented to the Leflore County Grand Jury next month. Andrew Lee Nash, 52, was arrested on Dec. 3, 2010 after police set up surveillance cameras in the owner's stalls near U.S. Highway 82 and the Yazoo River."

Wait, it gets better/worse.

"Greenwood Police Chief Henry Purnell said the hogs were examined by a local veterinarian, during a routine examination, and the owner was told that four of the hogs had a vaginal infection."

Girls must be damn ugly in Greenwood, Mississippi.


3334...99 = 50

The Great One is 50 today.

This should be a national holiday.

For true.


3333...Happy Birthday Sweetness

No, make that happy anniversary.

It was a quarter century ago today that Da Bears won Da Super Bowl.

Rest in peace.


3332...Remedial Media Again

I love listening to tic on 93.1 CKCU in the morning.

Sadly he is only on Wednesday's but he is worth it.

Example thereof would be today.

He was interviewing Jonathan Knowles from The Carleton Cup, a skate/run/drink triathon that has been skating/running/drinking since the late '80s.

The race is this Saturday for those of you interested and all the dough goes to Cystic Fibrosis.

I digress.

Remedial media.

Mr. tic [he is the e.e. cummings of radio] introduces Mr. Knowles as "Jonathan Knowles, one of the organizers of the 22nd annual Carleton Cup...Jonathan, how long has the Carleton Cup been running..."

Beauty, eh?


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

3331...Seems Like Only Yesterday

But actually it was over four years ago.

December 14th of 2006 to be exact was the day Ed Stelmach became Premier, the 13th one, of the Wild Rose Province.

On January 25, 2011, Stelmach announced that he will not seek re-election; he also promised a leadership race before the next election.

C'est fun.


Monday, January 24, 2011

3330...Carleton Strengthens Bonds With India

Nice headline on page C1 of today's Ottawa Citizen.

Carleton University will symbolize these two meetings and the growing relationship between the two countries with the establishment of an India chair for its relatively new Canada-India Centre for Excellence in Science, Technology, Trade and Policy. "The two nations will profit from this. ... Both Canada and India have recognized the potential benefits of working together," said Carleton president Roseann O'Reilly Runte.

Too bad Canada's 46th best university, my alma mater, is not working so much on their profile in Ottawa-Gatineau.


3329...Silvio Berlusconi Update

Stephen Harper should be so interesting.

According to the national press in Italy the latest scandals surrounding his personage has damaged him personally but it has not hurt support for his ruling party.

In fact pollster Renato Mannheimer says that if the PM is forced into an early election he would win, win, win.

Let's hope Stephen Harper doesn't get a 17 year old girl toy or we are down for.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

3327...Death Penalty Thoughts

If, as he seems to be insinuating, Stephen Harper is going to be bringing back the death penalty I have some thoughts.

First off let me say that I am against the death penalty but if it is going to happen let's make it a profit centre.

Ix nay lethal injectionay. Too sanitary.

I am leaning more towards the Braveheart style execution.

And put it on Pay-per-view.

That is your profit centre.

Plus, since we want to be sure, make it retroactive and take care of Paul Bernardo/Teale/Homolka and Colonel Russell Williams.

You are welcome.


3326...Happy Birthday Stephen Harper

Not his birthday birthday but the fifth birthday of his minority government, a minority that, according to 1310News, sets a Canuckistanian record.

Well la-di-f*cking-la.

If I hadda known I woulda boughtcha a cake.


3325...Ezra Levant Legal Dunce

From the files of James Bowie and Bowie's Blog with love to Russell Barth.

If anyone needed another reason to understand why even budding legal minds like mine held no regard for Ezra Levant, Barrister and Solicitor, then I'll give you another reason. The minor trouble he gets into and the "fireside chat" the law society gave him are small issues, but here is an example of a latest one, courtesy of his Twitter account.

Have a look at what he said:

Ezra Levant
Ignatieff signed a written contract to that effect RT @LibArtsAndMinds: Wow. @ezralevant suggesting Ignatieff would give Bloc power in gov't"

Now, for most Tweeters, this is just another idiotic statement by a hyper-partisan trying to scream at his political opponents. It is so normal, in fact, it is hardly worth noting. It just blends in with all the other moronic yelling common to the public school playground that is the political twitterverse.

Levent, however, is a lawyer, and he's used one of those fancy lawyer words. I say that ups the ante. When a lawyer talks about a "contract," that's kind of like a doctor talking about a "needle" or a baseball player talking about "left field." A reasonable person can assume they are talking about something specifically profession related.

For clarity, a "contract," in the sense that lawyers use the word, is an agreement that can be enforced by a court.

When Levant points out, therefore, that when Michael Ignatieff (as a backbench MP) followed in Stephen Harper's footsteps by signing a letter to the Governor General asking her to allow the opposition parties to form a coalition - he was actually entering into a legally enforceable agreement. I have two things to say about this:

1. No letter, signed by MP's, sent to the GG, is enforceable in contract law.

2. In other jurisdictions, sometimes, the Privy Council has held that a letter from the majority of MP's can express non-confidence; but not in Canada, and that is not contract law. See the case of Alhaji D.S. Adegbenro v. Chief S. L. Akintola & another.

You probably never wondered why your lawyer buddy scoffs whenever Ezra Levant's name comes up (which it probably never does), but now you know another reason why. It's not just that he's subject to rare "fireside chats," where a senior lawyer takes you out to the wood-shed for a talk. It's that he goes on Twitter, says dumb stuff about the law, and always mentions that he is himself a lawyer.

I wonder if Mr. Levant went to a proper law school? Or if he is a grad of a diploma mill like Moncton? Look it up for me, willya?


3324...Wind Chill Warning In Affect/Effect

I get those two words confused, I am a Carleton man so f*ck off, eh?

Anyhow, big announcement this week about homeless people and housing in your capital where the windchill in minus 39 degrees this sunny day.

The big announcement is that they, the professional poverty advocates, are going to get more money so they can have more hearings and consultations and other assorted bullsh*t. The chances of this coin actually filtering down to the streets is slim and none.

Lowell Green, the blowhard talk show host on 580CFRA, said the other day that each homeless person costs the city/prov/feds 100K. If that be true why don't we just give each homeless person 100K. Or, better, let us have a guaranteed income in this country of, say, 2K a month curved to inflation.

I know, makes too much sense.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

3323...Rob Ford Has A New Idea

Not new as in new but new as in old.

The idea is to get an NFL team.

Brother Doug Ford, also a Toronto city pol, tells Slam! Sports that "To be a world class city, at least a North American world class city, we need an NFL team."

Yeah, I mean, no.


Los Angeles.


You are, Toronto, Canada's Cincinnati.



3322...I Hate When This Happens

You go into the hospital for a circumsion and you come out of hospital only able to count to twenty without using a calculator.

According to in Louisville, a doctor faces a lawsuit and he is accused of wrongfully amputating a man's penis during what was supposed to be a routine circumcision at Jewish Hospital in Oct. 2007.

Phillip Seaton says when he awoke from the surgery, he discovered that the doctor had removed his entire penis.

The doctor who performed the surgery, Frankfort Urologist Dr. John Patterson says he removed Mr. Seaton’s penis because he discovered a cancerous growth on it. He says he performed the procedure to keep it from spreading.

As I mentioned above, lawyers have been consulted and money will change hands.


3321...Leafs In The News tells that Toronto Maple Leafs all-star [all-star, on the Leafs, surely you jest TMZ] Mike Komisarek is on thin ice with the LAPD. The problem is that the alleged hockey player allegedly punched a woman in the face at an L.A. nightclub earlier this month.


"... the 28-year-old defensive powerhouse was named in a police report filed by a woman who claims the whole thing went down after Komisarek decided to lift her up in the air at a Hollywood nightclub...told the woman claims she demanded Komisarek put her down -- but he refused -- so she slapped him in the face. The woman claims Komisarek immediately set her down ... and then punched her in the face, causing her to bleed. The woman claims Komisarek left the club ... so she went to the cops. We're told investigators are hoping to speak with the NHL star as soon as they get the chance. So far, no comment from Komisarek's camp."

A big B I T C H.

That be Mr. Komisarek.

I can tell the LAPD where Mr. Komisarek won't be. In the corners.


3320...The Knives Are Out In Ottawa

Are they out for Stephen Harper?


Are they out for Michael Ignatieff?


They are out for the coach of the Ottawa Senators, Corey Clouston.

The Sens are in a free fall.

They got dee stroyed at home last night by the Montreal Canadiens 7/1.

They have also got taken apart by the hated Leafs, I believe it was like a zillion to one and pretty much every other team in the NHL.

Things have gotten so serious with the Senators that CBCOne in your capital is even talking about it.




Friday, January 21, 2011

3319...Keith OIbermann Leaves MSNBC

77WABC reports that "MSNBC ends contract with "Countdown" host. His last show was tonight."

That sucks. He were fun.


3318...A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose

A knife that can stab you and hurt you is a knife that can stab you and kill you is a knife that can stab you and kill you.

The Kirpan.

Well, you know, no matter what the next PM of our great country says, check it at the door when you are going on Parliament Hill. Or my crib.

Althia Raj of Sun Media quotes Michael Ignatieff as saying in Montreal that "The kirpan is not a weapon...[and banning it] is a question of tolerance, of religious freedom and of universal access to a place of democracy..."


It is a big f*cking knife.

End of story.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

3317...Fifty Years Ago Today

JFK took office.

It was an optimistic time.

A thousand days later Lee Harvey Oswald shot it all to hell.


3316...Bringing Back The Death Penalty

May be yes, may be no.

As John Ivison points out in today's National Post, our beloved Prime Minister's interview with Peter Mansbridge of the CBC included the thoughts that Mr. Harper "...has no plans to bring forward legislation 'in the next Parliament.'"


Canada can rejoin the esteemed nationstates that kill.




Go Stephen Harpers.


3315...You Say Tomato I Say Let's Have A Drink

Addiction Journal reports that the University of British Columbia's Centre for Addiction Research and the Prevention Research Centre in Cali has food a 27.5 per cent increase in boozy deaths for every new liquor store per 1,000 BCites.

Blah, blah, blah.

Problem is access and lower prices.

Methinks this is a flawed study that doesn't take into account how partying reduces stress.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

3314...More Stupid Stuff In The News

Damn stupid old people in Hagerstown, Maryland pulled a 12 [t w e l v e] year old girl, Maheen Haq, was pulled out of a Mid-Maryland Girls Basketball game coz of safety concerns.

The safety concern was her headscarf.

League scheduler Jim Shannon tells The Frederick News-Post that a referee was concerned because the headscarf wraps around the neck.

Yeah, scary monsters. A head scarf.


3313...Maybe The CSBC Has Franchised

Mark Weaver at WMAL in D.C. tells the world that the CSBC are not the only people in North America with sticks up their butts.

Cut and paste:

A DC based organization of black conservatives is calling for an end to all public funding for National Pubic Radio after a Hispanic commentator used the term "gringos" in a reference to white people in connection with the shootings in Arizona that left Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords severely wounded.

Project 21 Chairman Mychal Massie told 630 WMAL that gringo "is the equivalent in the minds of many, to white people, as the "N" word is to blacks."

"In light of what happened to Juan Williams less than three months ago, NPR staff should be ashamed of this unambiguous and duplicitous double standard," said Massie.

Former NPR commentator Juan Williams was fired by NPR for saying that it makes him nervous to see Muslims getting on the same flight as him.

In the January 12 segment, titled "Across America Latino Community Sighs With Relief" featured on the program "All Things Considered," Daisy Hernandez, a writer on race and politics for the New York Times, said:

"It's safe to say there was a collective sigh of brown relief when the Tucson killer turned out to be a gringo. Had the shooter been Latino, media pundits wouldn't be discussing the impact of nasty politics on a young man this week -- they'd be demanding an even more stringent anti-immigrant policy, " she says.

"I admit sadly that it was only after I saw the shooter's gringo surname that I was able to go on and read the rest of the news about those who lost their lives on Saturday and those who, like Representative Giffords, were severely wounded," said Hernandez in her commentary.

Massie told 630 WMAL, "she showed more concern for how illegal immigrants are viewed than she did for the tragic and senseless loss of life."

Gringo. I am offended.


3312...American Idol 10 Starts Tonight

No Simon Cowell.

Stephen Tyler, Jennifer Lopez and Jimmy Iovine.

It really does drive the culture.


3311...Please Call CSBC For Me


Forget about faggot/Dire Straits. I heard some more racist stuff on the radio.

E.G. I was listening to CKCU, the Carleton station, and they were playing that race music and the fellows rapping said the n-word.

E.G. 2. I was listening to Y101, the country station, and they were playing racist music. I swear if I heard honky once I heard it a dozen times on the drive in to work.

E.G. 3. I was listening to 580CFRA, the news talk station in your capital, and they were saying positive things about Stephen Harper which I find offensive.

Alert the CSBC. Music free and talk free radio is what we need.

Just soothing white noise.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

3310...Say It Ain't So

Sadness from the midwest.

Milwaukee police arrested a 32-year-old man who smashed a truckload of beer with a metal pipe. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that the attacker scolded the deliverymen Friday for bringing what he called poison into his neighborhood.

Police say several people took advantage of the deliveryman's distraction and stole beer from the truck. The truck was going to the grocery store, Mid-Town. Police say the suspect approached the deliveryman and ordered him to stop the delivery, but he was ignored.

Owner Nirmal Singh says the man then beat the cases of canned beer for about a half hour. He says when the suspect got tired he sat against a wall and waited for police.

Mr. Singh estimated the product loss at about $2,000.


Monday, January 17, 2011

3308...I Be Smart; This Be Why

Coz I am gorgeous.

The Daily Mail, a fishwrap from the U.K., tells that studies in Britain, at the London School of Economics and in America, done by the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, have found that lookers like the WFDS have IQs 14 points above average.

The findings dispel the myth of the dumb blondes or good-looking men not being very bright.


3307...The More I Read About Him The More I Love

He, of course, is Silvio Berlusconi, the PM of Italy.

The Daily Telegraph reports that Italian prosecutors have uncovered properties in his hometown of Milan that he used as stables, their word not mine, for young women who were paid to perform strip tease.

Could you honestly see Stephen Harper having apartments all over Nepean to stash girly girls?

Me neither.


3306...20 Questions With Shad Qadri

He is a city councillor in your capital and in the Ottawa Citizen today Bruce Deachman, as is his wont, asks him 20 Questions.

Q. 16 is Describe Your Ideal Day Off: he answers "Driving down with our family to visit my son in P.E.I."

Hmmmmmm. Give or take P.E.I. is a twenty hour drive from Ottawa for use mortals; buddy must have a lead foot or, perhaps, he did not comprehend the query.

The other curious thing was that when asked what his fave town is, save Ottawa, he picked St. Catharines. Ontario. Coz of the climate.

Yeah, The Garden City is a garden spot. Only four months of winter.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

3305...Whatever Could Go Wrong

With Pakistan's own Toxic Waste Nuclear Sludge Cherry Chew Bar.

Apparently a lot.

Like they are actually toxic.

The Toronto Star tells that a voluntary recall of the bars was announced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Friday.


3304...I Hate The New York Jets

But I also hate the New England Patriots.

Just like when Italy played France for the World Cup four years ago I was hoping both teams would implode or something.

No such luck.


3303...Take Tomorrow Off

Martin Luther King Day.

Tell the boss that the WFDS said it was okay.

Then meet me for a beer.


3302...Silvio Berlusconi Update

The much maligned and kind of cartoonish Prime Minister of Italy is in trouble again says Reuters.

This time he gave a 17 year old nightclub dancer, possible hooker, named Ruby, 7,000 Euros which is 9,350 Canuck Bucks.

But she tells Sky TG24 TV that the PM gave her the coin "Because I had just arrived in Milan and he knew of my difficult family situation [and wanted to help]."

No sex. Honest.


3301...America America America

Guns Guns Guns.

Tronna Star today reports that thousands of Tusconians shopped for guns at a trade show in Tuscon yesterday, a week to the day after Jared Loughner [allegedly] killed six and wounded thirteen outside a grocery store with a semi-automatic pistol.

By the way one can purchase guns at a gun show without a background check.



Saturday, January 15, 2011

3300...Martin Luther King Day Is Just

Around the corner and the Washington Post reports that some of the former Confederate States of America, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, are thinking of using the upcoming holiday to make up for snow days.

This has, understandably, upset Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and their ilk.

Very 1862ish.


3299...Coming To A Town Near You


KOMO News reports that
Drivers will soon pay more to park on the streets of downtown Seattle.

The new rate: $4 an hour.

The city swears this is not about money; the new higher rates will bring in $6 million more every year, but the city traffic gurus say this is all about traffic management.

Sure, the city makes $32 million a year by charging you to park on its streets. But city managers say there's a problem.

For instance, in downtown Seattle, 97 percent of the parking places are full. When one opens, another car pulls in.

Here's the idea: "Raise the rates where there is high demand for on street parking, and lower the rates where the demand is not so great," said Charles Bookman, director of traffic management.

A serious pile of bullsh*t that is.

BTW Seattle sounds a lot like Ottawa, Regina, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal, Windsor etc.


3298...Selling Manhattan

Just cruising the 'net and ran into this deal that Native Americans made back in the day, a deal that, upon reflection, was an excellent one, depending, of course, on their investment strategy.

The sale of Manhattan by the natives to Peter Minuit in 1626 often includes a mention of the estimated sale price. The actual exchange was apparently for some trade goods which is estimated to have been worth $24. Often the view that the natives were short-changed is expressed in the same breath. I don’t know what the value of Manhattan would be today, but if we assume that $24 grew at a real rate of return of 5 – 6% (extrapolating the long term rate of return for real estate as sourced from Dr. James DeLisle’s paper: ‘Real Estate: A Distinct Asset Class or an Industry Sector?’, 1995), we might have a better idea…

$24 x 5% real rate of return x 382 years = $2.98 Billion
$24 x 6% real rate of return x 382 years = $111.44 Billion

It’s amazing the impact of 1% isn’t it? :)

If we try to figure out what $24 dollars was worth in today’s dollars back in 1626 we just calculate using the long term rate of inflation which most seem to agree on as being roughly 3%. Applying the math, we find that the natives received about $1.9 million in today’s dollars for Manhattan.

But if the natives had taken that money and invested in the stock market (bare with me) and earned a 7% real rate of return, they would have just over $4 trillion. Who’s laughing now! :)

Hey, its RRSP season and I’m losing my mind… give me a break! :)

Kinda cool.


3297...Taxi's In Your Capital

I swear to God that this town, your capital, Ottawa, has the worst cab drivers in North America, may be the world.

I recall Allan Rock, who is now the Grand Poobah at the U of Zero, said that we had the best educated cab drivers in the world, you know immigrants who were doctors, lawyers, scientists back home.

I guess that all this smarty pants knowledge crowds out their taxi driver knowledge, you know, like signalling, follow basic driving rules and all the stuff those of us less worldly and professional than Ottawa cabbies do.

Not to point out anyone in particular but Blue Line cab 139 was the one that spurred this rant.


Friday, January 14, 2011

3295...Money Money Honey Honey

Postmedia reports the salaries of many of our Prime Ministers in this morning's paper.

Ed S., Edmonton, Alberta, is number one as a local poobah. His Calgary friend, Stephen H., is number one overall.


B.C. Gordon Campbell $193,532

Alberta Ed Stelmach $201,246

Sask. Brad Wall $152,117

Manitoba Greg Selinger $152,000

Ontario Dalton McGuinty $208,974

Quebec Jean Charest $175,045

PM Stephen Harper $315,462

Cheaper than an NHL winger they are; veritable bargoons.


3294...A Fan Writes

I do love responses to the WFDS' blog.

Positive, negative or confusing, all is good.

Regarding the Stephen Harpers planning on getting rid of the buck for luck all major parties, including the inept one that cannot get any of its candidates elected, I wrote a piece in favour of it.

I received this reply:

shavluk has left a new comment on your post "3287...Sometimes Our Beloved PM Makes Sense":

Well thats because the biggest FREE LOADERS are of course the conservatives.

They cost Tax payers VOLUMES MORE !!

If they will remove the subsidy



YES ?? OR NO??

Otherwise you are just talking out your hat ...a deception !!


Well, ma'am, I don't totally agree with you. I do like the fact that Mr. Harper is going to get rid of the buck for luck but I would like him to raise the amount of money a candidate can raise and spend to infinity.

All though it is counter intuitive, if there are no spending limits politics becomes more democratic.

Case in point: Barack Obama.

Right now, under the current systems at all levels, the deck is stacked in favour of both incumbents and those who are affluent and can afford an unpaid year or three while pursuing office.


3293...Apples Rock

Not just the fruit either.

I had a prob with my IPhone and went into the Apple Store to get a warranty issue taken care of.

Truthfully my problem was my puppy Mara Carfagna took a bite out of my power cord.

I expected to have to, at minimum, buy a new one and at maximum make some sort of black list.

Uh, no.

Totally replaced the cord, np, in and out in under five, that is three hundred seconds, minutes.



Thursday, January 13, 2011

3292...Lawrence Taylor Not In The Big House

LT, the greatest linebacker ever, has avoided jail time by pleading guilty to two misdemeanor counts for having sex with a 16-year-old runaway who was lured into prostitution.

He had pleaded not guilty to felony rape, patronizing a prostitute, sexual abuse and endangering a child after his May arrest at a suburban hotel outside the city. ESPN reported that today he pleaded guilty to one count of soliciting a prostitute and a second count of sexual misconduct in having sex with a woman without consent. Under New York law, because the girl was 16, she could not legally consent to sex.

"She told me she was 19," Taylor said in court, the Associated Press reports.

As part of the plea, he'll be on probation for six years and have to register as a sex offender.

You want to prevent old men like LT from hitting 16 year olds? Legalize prostitution.


No hos under 18, 19, 21, whatev and that is that.

Simple problem, easy solution, ain't going to happen.


3291...As If You Needed A Reason To Visit Iowa

Off to Iowa City to visit the Beer Caves.


KCRG 9 reports that the corner of Linn and Market in downtown Iowa City is a true mix of business and residential buildings. They ask the question: could the next attraction for tourism in Eastern Iowa be hidden beneath the southwest corner of the block, deep under Brewery Square?

The Beer Caves.

These forgotten caves were used as cold [58 degrees F] storage by breweries in the 1800s and have been rediscovered.

Just another reason to visit Iowa.


3290...More Rob Fords

Kevin Gaudet, head of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation told Laura Payton of The Kingston Whig-Standard that "We need more municipal politicians like Rob Ford who are willing to say no to projects so we can get spending under control for once."

He is also a good role model for drinkers, smokers, fat guys and football fans.

Party on Rob.


3289...More On Dire Straits Evil Ways

This is also from the Canadian Press:

"'I think it's extremely important to take these words out of lyrics in popular culture,' said Helen Kennedy, executive director of Egale Canada, an organization that promotes equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-identified people.

'It perpetuates the stereotype, it's negative and it's offensive. If you look to the origin of the word, it's disgusting.'"

Interestingly Ms. Kennedy was not the one who filed the complaint to the CSBC which leads one to think that she had been aware of the song for over a quarter century and wasn't offended but n o w she is.



3288...CSBC Is Daft

The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, which, by the way, is not a government agency, it is just a make work project/money grab by a group of pointy headed sanctimonious motherf*ckers, has decided that Dire Straits' Money For Nothing is 'ist.

As in racist, sexist, something ist.


The Canadian Press tells us that "A listener to radio station CHOZ-FM in St. John's, N.L., complained last year that the song includes the word "faggot" in its lyrics and is discriminatory to gays."

The song is about thirty years old so it took a bit for loser boy to catch on to that and complain to the humps at the CSBC who noted that Money for Nothing would be acceptable for broadcast if suitably edited.

Blow me.


3287...Sometimes Our Beloved PM Makes Sense

"Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he will campaign in the next election to kill direct public financing for political parties, which last year cost taxpayers $27 million."

That's the opening paragraph of Mark Kennedy's piece in the Postmedia papers today.

This of course would affect the Green Party the most and be the end of Elizabeth May's freeloading and grandstanding. She would have to run in a winnable riding as opposed to running against Ministers of the Crown.


3286...Look Out For Larry Smith

This is the dangerman of Team Tory.

The former Alouette, a Quebecer who is a newly minted Senator and is going to run in Lac-Saint-Louis, on the southwest corner of the Island of Montreal, next time out and if he wins he will be dangerous.

Just head out to the blue box and grab Saturday's Globe and Mail and check out the piece of F3 of Focus.

If he gets his sh*t together he could be a scary motherf*cker.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

3285...Nothing Says Merry Xmas Like A Vibrator

Especially one that is rigged with a bomb.

Whatever was going through Waseca, Minnesota's Terry Lester's mind during Holiday Season 2010?

QMI Agency reports that our hero was arrested for planning to send vibrators that were rigged to explode to three of his ex girlfriends.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

3284...Did You Hear?

Gay marriage now A-ok in Saskatchewan.

Progress in the progressive province.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

3283...Fun With Staplers

WIVB4 in Buffalo reports that a woman in I Love Lucy's hometown of Jamestown, New York, Jody Gilbert, power stapled her man's head in a wee fight they had.

Against the law it is in Jamestown.

Film at 11.


3282...Bye Bye Nawlins

Upset of the century.

This century at least.

The Sh*tHawks take out the defending champeeeeens.



3281...Happy Birthday Elvis

Richard Mahoney's fave dead musician would be 76 today.

As I said previously, overdo the prescription drugs today and avoid the bathroom.

For The King.


Friday, January 7, 2011

3280...How To Not Get A Letter Of Reference

Set your bosses' house on fire.

The NWF Daily News, News For The Emerald Coast, tells the story of 42-year-old Adolpho Padron who was pissed at his ex boss over, you guessed it, money, so he lit up Brian Sheppard's Tampa Bay home up like the Fourth of July.

No letter of reference will be forthcoming for Mr. Padron. Jail perhaps, but no letter.


3279...This Is Why He Did Not Return Their Calls

He was passed out.

The Laconia Citizen reports that a man suspected in a Mass robbery, uh that is a Massachusetts robbery suspect not someone who held up a Mass, I digress. Anyhow, this dude, Jeremy Q. Curtis, allegedly hit a bank or something in Hanson, Mass and then took off to Ossipee, New Hampshire.

The Ossipee Police Department was notified but got a bit nervous.

Soooooooooooooooo Chief Barney Fife called the big boys in, the State Police for assistance and they secured the area around the residence. The State Police deployed their SWAT team, along with a member of the Explosive Ordinance Unit equipped with a robotic camera.

After six hours of nada the thought occured, perhaps he is passed out?

He was do do.

Your tax dollars in action America, your tax dollars in action.


3278...L. Ian MacDonald States The Obvious

In the Kingston Whig-Standard and other Sunny papers the old Tory tells all that the key to Stephen Harper getting a majority is in 905.

He does make a good [and scary] point. "Altogether there are 30 ridings in the 905 electoral zone. With Julian Fantino's victory in the Vaughan byelection the Conservatives hold 15 of them. The other 15, mostly Liberal strongholds with a sprinkling of NDP seats, are all in play."

The wheels are wobbling on the Big Red Machine.


3277...Tommorrow Is Elvis Presley's 76th


In honour of The King we all will double our prescriptions, especially the fun ones.

And avoid the toliet.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

3275...Mallick On Fantino

From this morning's Toronto Star:

Mallick: Fantino a poor figurehead for Canada’s elderly

Toronto Star

If Stephen Harper really wants to “promote positive images of aging,” as a dire government website called Seniors Canada claims, why did he just make Julian Fantino minister of state for seniors?
I can’t think of a worse figurehead.
I have many fine elderly readers, my mother is 83 and I am rapidly aging as I write this. I believe that older people — I refuse to call them seniors as this makes the rest of us “juniors” — should be allowed to grow into the best that they can be. Lifelong learning, brisk walks, time to read ferociously, indulging the grandchildren with the energy you used to put into pricey sensuality — the fact is that aging can be a good slice of life.
Or you can become a Fantino.
Fantino is not a distinguished politician with a background in medicine, social services, pension management or even promoting startling ideas for helping a huge greying generation. He has always been a cop, the kind who likes his cars black and white as in days of yore.
Wherever he has been a police chief or political candidate — London, York, Toronto, the OPP — he has left behind bitterness among colleagues, lawsuits, allegations of impropriety, an alleged taste for revenge and a long list of carefully blurted slurs. From his musings on Liberal tactics resembling Hitler’s to his rejoinder to Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, who he said was “promoting the hug-a-thug philosophy” as the two duelled over the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Fantino has always been his essential self, a blowhard.
His new job is political. It is to urge old men (less so women), who are more likely to be on the hard right, to vote for Harper. Fantino fans are the voters Harper is after (and has already got, surely.)
And this is where the sham — and the shame — begins, with the job itself.
In 2001, the nation’s median age was 37.6, up from 25.4 in 1966. The fastest-growing group is now people over 80. There are 1.3 million, up a stunning 43 per cent since 2001.
To sum up, Canada’s elderly need help now and an avalanche of help very soon. One of the main functions of national government is to organize and plan. That’s what the seniors minister should do. The previous minister, a former Harper rival named Diane Ablonczy, didn’t have time to change much in a jargon-clogged portfolio dotted with perky sententiousness and tons of exclamation marks. She invented National Seniors Day. On Oct. 1 we will be told to “show our appreciation.” With what? Thicker socks?
Here’s how. Let’s fatten the Canada Pension Plan. If we don’t, our “appreciated” elders will be farming rabbits for food in their hutches (I mean human hutches.) Harper said no. Let’s finally create a national building code, with each province signing on, that will do something shockingly good like mandating that all new homes have main-floor bathrooms, a huge boon to elderly people who want to stay in their own homes but can’t cope with stairs. Hasn’t happened. Let’s have a mandatory long-form census . . . never mind.
What happens to nations unprepared for a future that gerontologists and scientists have already mapped out? A recent example of future blindness: last month during the big freeze, Northern Ireland ran out of water. Infested with political hatred (very Harper-ish) and lacking any vision of the future, it had spent a yearly zero in the past 25 years on water infrastructure. England and Wales, spending about 4 billion pounds yearly, still drank from the tap. Meanwhile, kindly Scotland began shipping bottled water to the Irish. Astounding.
Good governments plan ahead. What does Canada do as a tide of emergency hip replacements and crumbling spines approaches? It puts an angry clown in charge. Happy Seniors Day!


3274...We Be Lazy

We being lazy.

Laura Payton from the Toronto Sun wrote that "Canadians are so inactive that even small amounts of exercise will make a difference in their risk for chronic disease, two fitness promotion groups said Wednesday."

To keep us fit Health Canada has decided that we need less exercise than we did before.

The Stephen Harpers speak the newspeak.


3273...Arnold Is Coming To Town

By town I mean Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal.

The Suns tell us that he is making his first speaking engagements since ending his seven years as governor of Cali. And he is making them here in the Great White North.

I am so proud.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3272...Sue The B*stards

That is the only way to keep the Catholic Church vigilant on the altar boy f*cking issue.

According to Huffington Post "The archdiocese [of Milwaukee] has assets of about $98.4 million but more than $90 million of that is designated for specific use by donors or otherwise restricted, according to its website. Its 210 parishes with 640,000 members are incorporated individually, so the bankruptcy won’t affect their finances...The reorganization under Chapter 11 of the U.S. bankruptcy code will allow the archdiocese to continue to conduct its normal activities, but a bankruptcy court will have to approve all non-routine decisions and expenses."

In Canada, no such pressure is put on the Church or its affiliates. I think back to the priests at one of my high schools, St. Pius X in Ottawa, a place that harboured several child molesting priests and I don't see it being penalized financially.

May be this is not a, for wont of a better term, sexy enough issue for the powers that be.


3271...A Preview Of Stephen Harper's Canada

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that one in thirteen Georgians are in jail.




"Georgia taxpayers spend $1 billion a year locking up so many criminal offenders that the state has the fourth-highest incarceration rate in the nation. When it comes to overall criminal punishment, no state outdoes Georgia."

Julian Fantino is getting a woody reading this.

And Georgia ain't near the top. "Texas spends more than $3 billion a year on prisons. In 2007, facing the need to spend $540 million to construct three new prisons expected to cost another $1.5 billion to run, the state looked for alternatives. Instead, Texas spends a fraction of that on new probation and parole programs, halfway houses and specialty courts for drug offenders, veterans, drunk drivers and the mentally ill."

You get the Canada you vote for.

Why are you voting for Stephen Harper?


3270...It Is 1938 All Over Again

The Daily Telegraph reports officials say neo-Nazis have taken over a village in east Germany.

Residents of Jamel say their village has become a pilgrimage site for neo-Nazis and the local mayor, Uwe Wandel, claims that authorities have given up trying to impose order on the town. "The police, the authorities, no one dares to intervene. The Nazis are laughing in our faces. We've given up on Jamel."

The paper reports that swastikas adorn houses across the village and a plaque at the entrance of town says, "Village of Jamel -- free, social, national."

Whattttta country.


3269...Politically Correctness/New Speak

Well minded or not it distorts our history, our past. Here is another example thereof, this time from the Land of Cotton.

Alabama's NewSouth Books is planning on releasing a new edition of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn without the word "nigger," reports the New York Times. The word, which occurs 219 times in Mark Twain's classic text, is replaced by "slave" in the revised edition.


The idea for a sanitized version came from Alan Gribben, a professor of English at Auburn University in Alabama, Sir Charles Barkley's alma mater, who felt uncomfortable saying the word out loud.

Dude, you are the one who gives the word its power.

Professor Gribben told the NYT that "I found myself right out of graduate school at Berkeley not wanting to pronounce that word when I was teaching either 'Huckleberry Finn' or 'Tom Sawyer,'. And I don't think I'm alone." No you are not alone Mr. Professor and that sucks.

Not everyone is thrilled by the revised version, which also substitutes "Indian" for "injun." Since news of the new edition spread last week, the publisher has been inundated by complaints of censorship and political correctness.

Like this one.


3268...Not Going To Sri Lanka

What ever are they thinking?

The Ottawa Citizen reports that Monday Nimal Rubasinghe, secretary of the Cultural Affairs Ministry, said that the guv is considering banning mini-skirts following complaints.



3267...This Year's Susan Boyle

You may have heard about this guy already but even so this is well worth repeating.

The fellow's name is Ted Williams and he is/was a homeless dude in Columbus whom the was bumming change at I71 and Hutson Street in Ohio's capital. The Columbus Dispatch discovered this lad the other day and dropped a 1:38 video of him and his amazing voice on YouTube.

Five million hits later the Toronto Star [and every other paper in the world] reports that 53 year old Ted Williams is moving on up to a job with the Cleveland Cavs of the NBA.

This year's Susan Boyle.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

3266...It Was A Very Good Night Until...

Four bottles of champagne, $1,400; four hours worth of dances, $3,600; four bottles of Fiji water, $25; one "Breast of Fire" dinner, $11; and one "Roman Orgy" dinner, $14. Credit cards denied...priceless

Damn credit limits.

The Dallas Morning News reports that while we were watching Canada spank the USA in Junior hockey, Micah Lester Boswell, 43, and Elizabeth Ann Stewardson, 39, were at the Men's Club of Dallas, partying like motherf*ckers.

Sadly their credit cards were wobbly and they tried to dash and run on their 5K plus bill. The pair were arrested this morning for state jail felony theft of service after trying to walk out on the impressive list of carnal delights.


3265...Barbara Jaffe Is High

Or something.

She writes the following in the Vancouver Sun:

Elizabeth May, Green party leader and candidate in Saanich-Gulf Islands, is gunning for her party's first Commons seat. In the event of a 2011 federal election, May will be confronting one of the Conservatives' weaker ministers, Gary Lunn. She won 32 per cent of the vote in 2008 in Central Nova, against Nova Scotia powerhouse Peter MacKay and has presided over a 50-per-cent increase in the Greens' national vote, so chances are good May soon could make history and subsequently boost the parliamentary profile of environmental issues.

No, no and no.

The reason Ms. May is running Saanich is coz she d o e s not wanna get elected; if she really wanted to they would find a seat that doesn't have a cabinet minister and has a rep as a progressive part of the world. Ottawa-Centre, some stuff in 519 and 416. Not Saanich.

BC Bud rocks.


3264...I Want To Be A CEO

The Toronto Star reports the following:

In 2009, a generally lousy year for corporations, the average compensation for the top 100 CEOs in Canada ($ 6.6 million) was 155 times the pay of the average worker ($42, 988). And the trend is in the direction of the chief executives: a dozen years ago, the ratio between the pay of the top 100 CEOs and the average worker was 104-to-1, according to a report released Monday by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Truth be told I wouldn't mind being an average worker either!



3263...First Time In Fifty Years

Oakville based Ford is number one in Canada. The online version of the Ottawa Citizen proclaimed that "Ford Motor Co. of Canada officially claimed the top sales spot in Canada in 2010, surpassing General Motors of Canada for the first time in more than 50 years. Ford also said Tuesday that with 97,913 units sold in 2010 in Canada, its F-Series pick-up truck was also the best-selling vehicle ever in a single year in Canadian history, in a year where pick-up trucks are poised to outsell passenger cars for the first time in the country as well, driven by the hefty incentives being offered to consumers."

I will drive my 97/98 [a true hybrid] Ford home with pride tonight.


3262...Brett Favre Is In Trouble

The supposedly gonna retire QB is getting sued, sued and sued by Christina Scavo and Shannon O'Toole, two former massage therapists for his former team, the New York Jets.

Apparently the married QB got lonely and then tried to foist himself upon these two professionals. If you recall he went as far as to send a picture of his penis to a sideline reporter for the Jets, Jenn Sterger.

Oh, yeah, one more thing, Christina Scavo is Mrs. Scavo and Mister Scavo none too happy about this.

This cannot be sitting well with Mrs. Favre.


3261...I Wonder If Dalton Will Send A Card?

To Julian Fantino, the new minister of Senior stuff for the Stephen Harpers.

The self promoter has failed up yet again.

OMG, he must have horseshoes in his pocket.


Monday, January 3, 2011

3260...NFL Playoff News From The Old Grey Lady

Or is that gray?


The New York Times says that the Seattle Seahawks are not just a bad playoff team, they are the worst NFL playoff team of all time.

Seven wins.

Nine loses.

27th in offensive production; 28th in dee-fence.

Lost five of their last seven games.

Yet...if they get hot, starting with New Orleans this weekend, Super Bowl rings all around.

Stranger things.


3259...The Sky Is Not Falling

Re pirating TV shows and the like.

Lost was the most illegally downloaded TV show in 2010. Fans around the world pirated the show almost six million times last year.

Website reports Heroes was second with 5.48 million downloads and Dexter was third with 3.88 million illegal views.

Six mill. If one was to believe the lobbyists that want you and I to pay extra taxes on laptops and blank CDs and DVDs you would think that pirating is rampant.


3258...Much Music VJ Joins Fox News

That would be J. D. Roberts, now known as John Roberts.

CNN anchor John Roberts is leaving the network to join Fox News Channel. He recently left his post on CNN's American Morning to move to Atlanta to be closer to his fiancee, CNN anchor Kyra Phillips, who is expecting twins.

The Torontonian announced his departure from CNN today. He has been with CNN since 2007 where he served as a senior national correspondent and anchor of This Week At War. He joined the network after 14 years at CBS.


3257...Paul Simon Shed A Tear This Morning

When he read the Ottawa Citizen's editorial about the end of an era. The end of the Kodachrome era.

The era ended when 2010 ended at Dwayne's Photo Service in Wichita, Kansas, the last place extant that was developing the film.

Kodak's Kodachrome, widely viewed as the world's first color film, was created in 1935. If you were in my world back in the day it was the film of record for your First Communion, Bat Mitzvah, Weddings et. al.


Sunday, January 2, 2011

3256...Back At It

The New Year starts for true in a few hours.

I know I am supposed to wish you all the best but, frankly, there are a lot of you out there that I hope trip and fall.

At least the WFDS is honest.


3255...New York Meet Canada

Man, they sure love their smokes in the Empire State.

And, as the Vancouver Sun reports, Canuck style ads, you know, the ones we have on cig boxes in Canada as I write this, were shut down by the judiciary in that state.

New York City anti-smoking signs depicting a decaying tooth, diseased lungs and a damaged brain would violate cigarette vendors' free speech if displayed according to city rules, a U.S. judge said on Wednesday, handing a court victory to tobacco companies.

Philip Morris USA, Lorillard Tobacco Co, and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co, plus two major retail trade groups and two convenience stores, said in a Manhattan federal court lawsuit that the signs violate the sellers' rights.

By placing the gruesome posters at the point of sale, the city overstepped its mandate, the judge said, as only the federal government has the right to impose such conditions on the promotion of cigarettes.

"Even merchants of morbidity are entitled to the full protection of the law, for our sake as well as theirs," U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff said in his ruling.

The three different signs, developed by the city's Health Department and required as of last December, graphically depict the harmful effects smoking can have on the body. They bear messages such as "smoking causes tooth decay" and list the number of a city helpline for assistance on how to quit.

Following the June lawsuit, the city agreed to temporarily halt enforcement of the signs.

"We are disappointed that this important health initiative was rejected by the court," Nicholas Ciappetta, the city attorney who handled the case, said in a statement. "We are studying the decision and considering our legal options."

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has made fighting smoking a personal crusade. In 2003, he pushed a ban on smoking in bars and restaurants that was met with howls of protests but has since become widely accepted. In September, he announced plans -- which have yet to be approved -- to ban smoking in parks, beaches, boardwalks, pedestrian plazas and other outdoor public spaces.

The U.S. government requires tobacco companies print the "Surgeon General's Warnings" about potential health problems on all cigarette packages, ads and billboards. Last month federal drug regulators revealed 36 images for possible warning labels that featured dead smokers, a man blowing smoke through a tracheotomy hole in his throat and a mother blowing smoke in a baby's face.

Hey, it is coming Phillip Morris, it is coming.


3254...And Warren Kinsella Says

If Ezra Levant is right and there is going to be a federal election Warren Kinsella predicts that it will be in the springtime.

The great seer also predicts that "...the winner will be...: Nobody, actually. For years, now, polls have reflected a simple reality: They don’t like the Tories enough to give them a majority — and they don’t trust the Grits, yet, to form even a minority government."



3253...Ezra Levant Says

There will be an election this year.

That takes care of that.

The soon to be Sun TV star says in the paper called the Sun that the Stephen Harpers have had a lead ranging from 3 to 10 points for awhile and are on the verge of a majority.

And if they get that majority Mr. Levant presumes that they will "...reintroduce Bill C-12. That bill would grant 30 new seats to the regions of Canada that have had the most population growth in the past decade — 18 to Ontario, seven to B.C. and five to Alberta. The opposition parties have opposed it, for fear of offending Quebec, whose population is stagnant."

That, at least in the long run, would be great for Canada.

Rep by pop, eh?


3252...Ottawa Is Number One In The Country

May be the world but it is a category that your capital does not want to lead in.

CFRA, the radio station of record in Ottawa, reports that Ottawa Police remain at the scene of a probable murder, presumably the first in Our Home And Native Land, after the body of a man was found next to a New Edinburgh house Saturday afternoon.

The victim has now been identified as 43-year old Simon Hubbard of Ottawa.
